), Armenia.
If not stated otherwise, screenshots, charts and tables refer to independent geological modeling (sample database correction and interpretation, 3d drillhole modeling, vein wireframing, terrain modeling, variogram calculation, block modeling, grade estimation and mine planning) done by Sergo Cusiani in 2020. The files include 3d drillholes, terrain and vein wireframes, Open-Pit quarterly and annual pushbak and schedule wireframes, schedule wireframe designs, ultimate pit shell and design, AMS series vein resource block model and economic block model.
Site Plan of Armanis Village and Open-Pit Mine
Armanis Valley Terrain Model
Armanis Gold-Polymetallic Deposit Resources @ 0.33% Copper Cut-Off
Armanis Open-Pit and Vein Wireframes
Armanis Pit Design and Vein Wireframes
Veins 1 and 1a: Not the Same Domain.
Armanis Deposit, Copper Histogram
Armanis Deposit, Log Probability Plot
Vein #11, Copper Varioghraphy
Armanis Deposit, Domain 2, Copper Downhole Variogram
Armanis Deposit, Domain 2, Copper Variogram
Armanis Deposit, Copper Ellipsoid
Rotated Model Cells - You Can Get this if You Read Datamine Product Help
Orthogonal Model Cells - You Will Plump into this if You
Listen to AusIMM Taxpayers
Sample c740 Start & End Points as Vein Surface Key Points. Vertical Section.
Sample c740 With the Horizontal Section Plane Through the End Point.
Sample, Vein, Block Model and Adit Relation.
Armanis Ore Body Structure: Partial View of Block Model and Vein Wireframes.
Armanis Ore Body Intersected by Drill Holes.
Armanis Ore Extraction Phases
Armanis Economic Model Vs. Grade Model.
Armanis Economic Model, Horizontal Section at 1545-metre Elevation. Vein Geological Block Model (AMS.bm) Processed to
Veinless Block Model in NPV Scheduler to a Set of 20x20x10m
Size Cells with Economic Attributes and Destinations:
Red - Copper Ore;
Yellow - Zink Ore; Cyan - Waste.
Armanis Mine. First Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Second Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Third Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Fourth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Fifth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Sixth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Seventh Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Eighth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Ninth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Tenth Year Schedule Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Schedules Report
Armanis Mine. First Year Design Wireframe
Armanis Mine. Vein Model Cells
Historically the property was not lucky with management. Previous mining consulting companies and individual geologists made incorect models and plans that led to wrong expectations of the investors. Because of that, a few years earlier the mine had to stop.
From the review by CSA Global, 2013: "(a certain Mr. Kaputin's) block model swarms with gross errors".
With the involvement of RMG Group, the mine seemed to have had a chance to revive -- from A to Z, from data correction to pushback scheduling, a brand new block model ams*.bm and NPV schedule was done in 2020 by a contracted ex-employee of Datamine International Ltd.
Though incompetent site management performed by RMG Gold's geologists and mining engineers, finally killed the hope after 6-month-long operation at a huge loss in 2021.
Below is the list of quasi-consultants, quasi-geologists and quasi-engineers of RMG Gold that killed the project:
Armanis Gold-Polymetallic Mine is a promising target. With proper management provided, it can bring a lot of welfare to the investors and local community beginning from the first month of operation onwards.